Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rust Sword: Third Book of the Lore of DayONE, by A. A. Wolfner

Rust Sword: Third Book of the Lore of Dayone by A.A. Wolfner

First, I'm glad they are thinking about a new publisher, other than PublishAmerica, which has a poor reputation when it comes to editing, author's rights, and so forth. They bought the rights back, or so I've been informed. I like the series, and I think they can do better. The formatting gaffes notwithstanding, and the spelling errors (quite a few more in the third one) didn't distract me from the story. It's essentially a good one, and it's improved with each book.

The prologues from the previous books are finally explained with an epilogue. I do have a few questions for the authors, but I'll need to find my copy of the book to re-read the epilogue and then query them.

And trust me, there are not a whole lot of spelling errors. PublishAmerica has a bad reputation when it comes to editorial processes. It's a pre-existing condition. In my opinion, the authors are educated enough to know the difference. Yes, authors. A. A. Wolfner is the nom de plume for two writers. And when I locate the book, I'll update this review.

Victoria is the star of this book. That's evident from chapter one.

This book deals with the travails of Victoria in her quest for repairs for her father's sword. I think it worked well.

In their search for the Fire Elves, they have a few obstacles to overcome, as well as an arduous desert journey. Yes, they do make it, but I'm not giving away the particulars of the story, save that some things, on the surface, are not as they seem. There are layers of persona, and layers of meaning, as well as layers of character intent. And yes, I could hunt for a thesaurus a word alternative, but the repetition here is, I think, important to the review, as well as the story. A good story is like a good banana. You need to peel it, to savor the fruit.

The one thing that bothers me... I wasn't expecting the prologue adolescent/babe to be Victoria's child, considering the events of the third book. I do hope there is some clarification of this circumstance in the next book.

Author's blog, Messages from the Lacuna, on Blogger.

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